Discover classes & individuals
Before you start
There are 4 steps to discover classes & individuals in a domain:
Find the domain
Select a term
Discover classes & individuals
Confirm/Skip suggestions
Find the domain
Click Discover knowledge in the top navigation bar
In Domain page, find the domain that you want to discover classes & individuals
Click Discover entities next to the domain
Select a term
In Discover entities page, terms which are retrieved from the domain are sorted based on the total occurrences in the domain.
Terms which appear frequently in a domain have higher chance to be individuals in your knowledge graph
After clicking a term, you can start discover classes & individuals related to the selected term.
Discover classes & individuals of a term
Add an individual suggestion
To add an individual suggestion:
Hover over the first word of the phrase
Press and drag across the phrase until your cursor reaches the last word
Release your cursor
Click Select a class
In the dropdown, find and click a class
Click Add new class if you cannot find the suitable class for the individual
Confirm/Skip suggestions
Once you have discovered all the classes & individuals in the sentence. Click Confirm to continue to the next sentence.
The suggestions will not be added to your knowledge graph until you click Confirm.
If you are not sure about the suggestions in the sentence, click Skip. The suggestions will be ignored and will not be added to your knowledge graph.
Last updated
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