Editing an Intent
Edit Intent Details
Click the Pencil
button at Intent Editor's top section, as shown below:
This will open the Intent Details Popup, which allows you to change the following Intent Properties:
Intent Name
Library (this will move the Intent to the specified Library)
Short Intent Name (controls what is displayed on the Button Link, if this Intent is referenced as a Related Intent)
Making Content Edits while the Intent is Activated
To make content edits to an Activated Intent
Click on the Edit button in the Intent Editor. This will enable the "Edit Mode"
While In Edit Mode, changes are saved to a "Draft" version, and not immediately visible on the Public Chat UI. However, you can still test your changes using the Quick-Test function.
Once you are done with the changes, you can Publish them by clicking on the "Publish" button on the top-right side of the "Edit Mode" interface
Note: While the Intent is INACTIVE, Edit Mode enabled by default, so you are always editing the "Draft" version of the Intent.
Learn more about Intent Statuses here.
Configuring an Intent's Response using the State Editor
An Intent Response can have one or many steps that we call States
In each State, the Bot can act by sending a message to the user, and / or calling an external web service
View Only and Edit Mode
If the Intent is ACTIVE, the State Editor will initially be in View Only mode, and the content for the PUBLISHED version is displayed. Click on the "Edit" button (see image below) to begin editing the DRAFT version.

If the Intent is INACTIVE, the State Editor will automatically be in Edit Mode and you can begin editing the DRAFT version immediately.
State Editor Components

A) Flow Diagram
An Intent's States can be connected together into a Dialog Flow, to give a multi-step response.
The Flow Diagram provides a visual representation of the Dialog Flow's structure. This is very useful especially for complex dialog flow structures with many States and pathways.
Select a State for Editing
The State Editor allows you to edit the States of the Dialog Flow. One State can be edited at any given time. Click on the Box / Node on the Flow Diagram to select the State.
The Selected State is filled in Blue like so:
Create a new State
There are several ways to create a new State:
Click on the circular "+" icon found below on every State's node on the Flow Diagram
Click on the "+ Add State" button on the top-right hand corner of the Flow Diagram canvas.
Create a new State while configuring a Message Component in the Content Editor
B) State Configuration Panel
This panel displays the configuration options for the currently Selected State. Each of the available options are described in the next section.
State Configuration Panel
The State's Name is displayed on the State's Node on the Flow Diagram. It is best practice to give a meaningful name to describe the content or purpose of that State.
State Blocks
The State Configuration Panel contains State Blocks, each providing specific functionality when added to the State by clicking on the "+" button on the top-right hand side of each Block. Likewise, you can remove that functionality from the State by clicking on the "-" button.
Order of execution for State Block functionality
The functionality of each Block is executed in the same order as it is displayed on the UI. For example, the Service Action Block is executed before the Content Block. This means that data returned from the Service Action is accessible in the Content Block of the same State.
Service Action Block
Using Service Action, you can create conversation flows that pull/push data from your database and backend systems. Conversation Data is stored in the Conversation Context, which can be used to drive conversation logic.
Service Action allows you to call Converse Middleware Services or a Custom Webhook. See Data Integrations for a deep-dive into creating Converse Plugins or a Webhook.
1) Service
Displays a list of available Services installed on the Converse Middleware. If "Webhook URL (Custom)" is selected, then the system expects a data payload that follows the specification found in Configuring a Webhook Connector.
2) Function
Displays a list of Functions available on the selected Converse Plugin.
3) Reference ID
Allows BotAdmins to define a unique identifying name for this Service call. This name will be used to reference this Service call so that information can be obtained about it, such as the data response from the external service called.
4) Inputs
After selecting the Function, each Input parameter required for this Function to run will be displayed as an input field. You can fill the Input Parameter using Context Variable or a hardcoded Text Value.
Here are some usage examples:
Using Context Variable as inputs
If you collected user input via the Data Collection block OR retrieved data via other Service Actions, then you can set the Input Type to "Context" to utilize data stored in the Context.
Using Text Value as inputs
If you want to use raw text as Input, you can set the Input Type to "Text Value".
5) Outputs
The Outputs specify the data that the Function can return after it is executed successfully. This is defined by the development team who built the Middleware Service.
There are 2 types of Outputs:
Data Outputs
Referenced later using:
Display Outputs
Referenced in Dynamic Component using:
Service Action Timeout
Service Action will wait up to 5 seconds before timing out. If you wish to configure the timeout value, please contact your administrator.
Detecting a successful call and handling errors
Depending on success or failure of a Service call, Bot Admins will want their chatbot to send appropriate messages. The dialog structure is as follows:

Detecting Errors
If the Converse Plugin Function throws an error, Converse is notified via a reserved error object on the Service Action response. The following properties are available in the error object
The Web Service took too long to respond
Note that an Error's code and message can be configured by the Plugin's developer.
As such, we can set up Transition Conditions as follows so that the Dialog Engine reacts to the response success/error data from the Service Action.

Content Block
The Content block allows you to configure what your Bot says to the user.
We provide 2 Editors:
Legacy Editor:
Supports HTML formatting (bold, italics, etc)
Not compatible with upcoming chat channels like Facebook Messenger
Does not support new features like Carousel and Button List
Modern Editor (Recommended):
Supports all new Message Components
Immediately compatible with Facebook Messenger
Does not support HTML formatting
We highly recommend using the Modern Editor (enabled with a switch on the right side of the Content block)

Modern Editor - Message Components
The Modern Editor allows you to compose Bot Responses using Message Components.
We currently support the following components:
Message Component
Text Message
Quick Replies
A Text Message
Up to 13 Quick Reply buttons
Button List
A Text Message
Up to 5 buttons
An Image
A Title
A Description
Up to 5 buttons
A Carousel is a series of Card components.
Minimum number of cards: 1
Maximum number of cards 10
Dynamic Component
Dynamic Component allows us to display dynamically generated Message Components returned by Service Actions
For an example of how Service Actions and Dynamic Components are used together, please see Building Transactional Flows.
Button & Quick Reply Configuration Options
Buttons and Quick Replies provide prompts to the Chat User. Users can click on them to advance through the conversation.
Button Types
The Button Type allows Bot Admins to configure what clicking on the Button/QuickReply does.
Trigger State
Advances the conversation to the specified State within the same Intent's Flow
Trigger Intent
Brings the Chat User to the specified Intent's Flow
Send Postback
Sends text on behalf of the Chat User to the dialog engine. By default, the text sent is the same as the Button Name. Bot Admins can configure a custom text value that is different from the Button Name.
Open URL
Opens a specified Web URL in a new browser window or tab.
Open Webview
Opens a specified Web URL in a Webview, which is an overlay on top of the Chat Interface.
Button Concept
Set an Ontology Concept on the Button to allow it to be triggered by Text Input. If a new Ontology Concept is created, the Synonym Editor will pop up. Bot Admins can define Synonyms of the Concept, which help the Bot match user inputs to the Ontology Concept.

When a Chat User sends an input that matches any Synonym of the Button's Ontology Concept, the Button is triggered as though it was clicked.
If you want to change the synonyms, you can open the Synonym Editor again by clicking on the selected Concept Tag in the text input field (see below)

Typing Delay
Each Component allows you to set a Typing Delay which simulates the Bot typing the response to the user. This delay allows Chat Users to read the previously displayed content before the new Message Component is displayed, and contributes to a better user experience.
Data Collection Block
Use this configuration to collect data from the Chat User. Data collected is stored in Variables in the Conversation Context, and can be used in following States.
Field Name
Specify the Variable Name to store the value captured from the user input.
Variable Type
This is the type of the variable that validates and restricts the user input to specific types: Date, Number, and File.
Number: Displays a number picker
Date: Displays a date picker
File: Displays a file picker
Note: Processing of uploaded files currently requires TAIGER customization effort. Please contact us if you'd like to use this functionality.
Validation Type
Validation type Indicates the type of validation to be applied on the user's input.
There are 5 possible validation types to choose from.
External Service - Use an External API service to validate the user's input (see Configuring a Webhook Connector)
For each of these types the following configuration options are provided:
Max Validation Attempts: Specifies the number of times to try before triggering the ValidationAttemptExceeded State. This is to prevent the system from infinitely "looping".
Validation Attempts Exceeded State: Specify the State to be triggered if the user exceeds the Max Validation Attempts. Use this State to provide more instruction to the Chat User, prompt the user to try again, or direct them to another Intent Dialog Flow.
Validation Message: This is the message that will be triggered each time the user enters an input that fails the validation check, while within the Max Validation Attempts count.
Validation Attempt (if validation type is selected)
Specify the number of attempts allowed.
Maximum Attempts – The number of attempts allowed for user input.
Select Validation Attempt Exceeded State - The state that is displayed after the maximum number of has been exceeded.
Validation Message
(if validation type is selected)
The message being displayed to the user if the value submitted is invalid.
Basic Usage Example:
Scenario Collecting Email from a User
This configuration will store the Email in the userEmail variable
In the following State, The you can utilize the stored Variable in the Content Editor by using the syntax:
Transitions Block
Transitions define Conditions that are required to trigger a specific State.
It allows the Bot to "decide" what the next response should be, depending on the user input or the data currently in the Conversation Context.
Order of Execution
Transitions are executed in the same order which they are displayed (from top to bottom).
One way to understand it is in terms of if… then rules, as in:
IF the chat user inputs <concept> THEN do <action>
Transition Types
Transition Type
What it means
User Input
IF the chat user says <Converse or something with the same meaning> :
THEN trigger the State with name "Converse Details"
IF the Service Call returned an error message
THEN trigger the State "Display Error Retrieving Hotels"
ELSE IF the numHits data property in the getHotelsApi Service call is exactly "0":
THEN trigger the State "No Available Hotels"
ELSE IF the numHits data property in the getHotelsApi Service call exists:
THEN trigger the State "Display Available Hotels"
Available Comparisons*
Is true
Is false
Equals to
Not Equals to
IF none of the Transitions in the State triggered
THEN trigger the State "Confirmation"
*For Information for Middleware Plugin Developers:
Only String Comparisons are supported. For Numeric value, convert it into a text value first (i.e. 0 becomes "0"). For Boolean values, convert it into text value (i.e. "true" or "false").
Transition Actions
Transitions can lead Chat Users to a State within the same Intent Flow, or trigger another Intent entirely. In the input field under the "Then Go To" label, Bot Admins can select either State or Intent to select which Action the Transition should take.
Set Context Action Block
Set Context Action allows Bot Admins to set new or existing Variables in the Context.
Context Variables can then be used in Transition's conditions, sent to external services via Service Action, or inserted into Message Components to be displayed to Chat Users.
If the Context Variable already exists, then the value it holds will be overwritten with the new value. If Context Variable does not exist, then it will be created.
Usage Example
Set Context Variable to a Text Value
Set the variable favouriteCity to the Text value "BALI"
Set Context Variable to another existing variable (reassignment)
Set the variable userFirstName to the value in the variable answers.firstName
Dialog Settings
Dialog Settings allow Bot Admins to configure advanced dialog behaviors. These settings change the way the Dialog Engine behaves for the specific state.
Jump Intent
If this is configured, then when this State is triggered, the Chat User is brought to the specified Intent's Flow.
We recommend using Trigger Intent functionality found in Button/QuickReply and Transitions (available in v2.6.0+).
Important Notes:
If Jump is setup, the Content configuration in the State is ignored
If the Jump destination Intent must be ACTIVE. If it becomes INACTIVE/ARCHIVED, the Jump will not process, and the Chat User will stay in the current Intent's Dialog Flow.
Ready to Reply
Default Value: true
If true:
The State's Content field will be returned as a reply to the Chat User
If there were any preceding States that have not sent their Content to the user, their Content will be prepended to this State.
If false:
The dialog will proceed to the next State without sending the State's Content to the Chat User.
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the dialog engine should advance to the next State or stay in the current state.
Last updated
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