Search UI development

Omnitive Search Technology

The technology behind Omnitive Search to process data involves a 4-stage workflow.

Stage 1: Content Crawling - Omnitive Search crawls or indexes the user's content from content repositories. The content is processed and catalogued word by word in each document, field and structure. The raw documents are broken down to text.

Stage 2: Information Extraction - With the base text stored, Information Extraction begins via Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning. NLPs’ semantic technology processes all the words in the content, figuring out the meaning of the text. Omnitive Search works out context, accurately deriving the correct meaning of words. NLP processes the logical structure of sentences to identify the most relevant elements in text and understand the topic discussed. Omnitive Search also understands the relationships between different concepts in the text. Paired with Machine Learning, Omnitive Search constantly updates itself for what’s new and allows constant updates according to data and events.

Stage 3: Knowledge Expansion - Results are then stored in a database as an index. When users search, this process does not start again from Stage 1, but users are accessing previously stored results in the index. Once this data is available, the knowledge process begins and the Ontology Graph formalises the categories of your data, updates metadata and stores it in the databases.

Stage 4: Machine Learning - Omnitive Search trains with inference rules and weights to further enhance results based on how the user's organisation want results ordered. This adds sentiment analysis, topic modelling and classification.

Omnitive UI Framework

Omnitive Search applies different artificial intelligence disciplines across the ingestion and process data flow. The data generated and provided by search services can apply to different business cases. This section covers the artificial intelligence approaches of Omnitive Search.

Omnitive UI Framework is a set of libraries and components to simplify the integration and customisation of UI widgets into websites and web intranets. The Omnitive UI Framework is built on Vue.js 2.x frontend framework. The Omnitive UI Framework Imports Omnitive Design System which builds on top of BootstrapVue as the UI library.

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